Upcoming Madison Vipassana Retreats

Dissolving obstructions to peace and clarity: A retreat with Janice Cittasubha Shephard
In this retreat, we’ll examine what gets in the way of relating to things as they are - to seeing The Dhamma. Registration is now open.

Devin Berry
Join us for a retreat with Devin Berry at Holy Wisdom Monastery in August 2025. Registration will open 8-10 weeks before the date of the retreat.

Practicing Together: Residential Community Retreat
In October 2025, we will gather as a community to support one another’s practice, following a schedule of alternating sitting and walking periods, with rest periods provided after meals.

Retreat with Noliwe Alexander
Save the date for a July 2026 retreat with Noliwe Alexander.

Ayyā Medhānandī
Join us for a retreat with Ayyā Medhānandī and Ayyā Anuruddhā at St. Anthony Spirituality Center in October 2024. Registration is open until 1 October.

Chas DiCapua
Join us for a retreat with Chas DiCapua at Holy Wisdom Monastery in June 2024.

Anushka Fernandopulle
Registration is open for a retreat with Anushka Fernandopulle at Holy Wisdom Monastery in April 2024. To learn more and register, click “View Event.”

Ajahn Pasanno
We are honored to have Ajahn Pasanno, the guiding elder and prior abbot of Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery, lead us in retreat at beautiful Pine Lake this fall. Registration is now open.

Half-Day Sit
Co-hosted with Prairie Unitarian Universalist Society.
After a long hiatus that began in the early part of the pandemic, we are returning to our much-loved periodic half day sits. Our gratitude to Prairie Unitarian Universalist Society for co-sponsoring this event. A half day sit offers an opportunity for extended practice and a chance to connect with dharma friends over lunch.
Please click on the event for more details

DaRa Williams
Join us for a retreat with DaRa Williams at Holy Wisdom Monastery.
Registration generally opens 8-10 weeks before the date of the retreat.
Please click on the event for more information about the retreat and teachers.

Janice Cittasubha Sheppard & Carole Melkonian
Join us for a meditation retreat at Pine Lake Camp with Janice Cittashuba Sheppard and Carole Melkonian.
Registration generally opens 8-10 weeks before the date of the retreat.
Please click on the event for more information about the retreat and teachers.