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Dissolving obstructions to peace and clarity: A retreat with Janice Cittasubha ShepPhard

  • Siena Center 5637 Erie Street Racine, WI, 53402 United States (map)


A Meditation Retreat with Janice Cittasubha Sheppard

Siena Retreat Center, Racine, WI

April 3–6, 2025

We're thrilled to announce that our very own Janice Cittasubha Sheppard will lead our spring retreat April 3–6, 2025. The retreat will be held at the Siena Retreat Center in Racine, Wisconsin. The retreat center is on Lake Michigan, offering a serene and peaceful environment.


The theme of the retreat is dissolving obstructions to peace and clarity. Just as the police may establish a roadblock to obstruct a road, there are actions of mind or heart we establish (often unknowingly) that block the way to unification of the mind, to ease, peace, and clarity. In this retreat, we’ll examine what gets in the way of relating to things as they are. The Buddha referred to these obstructions as the five hindrances of sense desire, ill-will, dullness/sleepiness, restlessness/worry, and doubt. They prevent the settling and happiness of the heart. Some of these obstructions are so habitual and addictive that we believe that they are the only way and that they are helpful to us. Together, we’ll investigate these obstructions and how to cultivate their antidotes and other qualities of heart that support happiness, peace, and clarity.

Attendance at this retreat is intended for those with a daily or frequent meditation practice. The retreat will be held in continual Noble Silence except when yogi participation is invited. Cittasubha will offer reflections and instructions, but many meditation periods will be silent (not guided). Those new to meditation retreats are sometimes surprised by the whole days of silence, unguided meditation periods, and how the work of solitary inward investigation will likely include sleepiness, restlessness, and possible spikes in emotion. We want everyone who registers to have some sense of what retreat is like. If you have more questions about being on a meditation retreat, please contact the registrar ( During the retreat, there will be a daily Dhamma talk; chanting; question-and-answer sessions; small-group sessions with the teacher; instruction for sitting, walking, standing, and lying down meditation; and mindful movement. 

As an introduction to Cittasubha’s teachings, check out her recorded talks at these sites:


Registration fees are on a sliding-scale basis. The sliding scale goes from 50% to 150% of actual costs, and within this range, you’re invited to offer the amount that best suits your circumstances. Please pay at the highest level of the sliding scale you can afford in order to give others who need to pay less the opportunity to attend. If the lower end of the range exceeds what you can afford, offer what you can. Fees cover room, simple vegetarian meals, and fixed costs (teacher transportation, room, and meals; facility rental costs; and miscellaneous expenses). All rooms are single occupancy.

Actual cost $460 | Sliding scale $230 – $690

In keeping with Theravāda Buddhist tradition, there is no charge for the teachings. However, toward the end of the retreat, there will be an opportunity to offer a free-will donation (dāna) to the teacher in appreciation for the benefit you received.


This will be an in-person residential retreat. To protect the community's health, the following policies are in place:

  • No COVID testing will be required before the retreat. However, if you're feeling unwell, we ask that you remain home and notify the registrar right away at

  • Masks will be optional.

  • We ask yogis to report any symptoms of sickness that set in while on retreat, and we will test for COVID under that circumstance. Anyone testing positive will be asked to return home or isolate.

  • Hand sanitizer will be located in heavy traffic areas, and hand sanitizing will be required before meals.

  • Retreatants must agree to a waiver of liability as part of registration.


In line with our commitment to diversity and inclusion, we reserve the last few spots before the retreat fills up for young people (age 25 and under) and people of color who haven’t yet registered. We’ll reserve these spots until three weeks before the retreat (March 13). After that, we’ll open up any remaining spots to people on the waiting list. If you identify with one or both of those groups, check the appropriate box(es) on the registration form. If you have questions about whether spaces are still available, please contact the registrar at


Meals will be provided as follows:

  • Thursday, April 3: No dinner provided; please bring your own.

  • Friday, April 4, and Saturday, April 5: Vegetarian breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  • Sunday, April 6: Vegetarian breakfast and lunch.

A refrigerator will be available for anyone who wishes to bring supplementary food.


If you want to use one of our assistive listening devices, please indicate this on the registration form. We find that these work best with your own earbuds or headphones. If you have questions about our devices, please contact Mike Kehl at To inquire about other needs, contact the registrar at


Please refrain from using perfumes, scented shampoos, ointments, or lotions in consideration of those with chemical sensitivities.


If you would like to request or offer a ride to and/or from the Siena Retreat Center, please indicate this on the registration form. Alternatively, contact the registrar at


Thursday, April 3

  • Check-in: 5:00–6:30 pm (rooms will be open starting at 4:00)

  • Orientation for those new to retreat: 6:00–6:45 pm

  • Retreat opens: 7:00 pm

Sunday, April 6

  • Retreat concludes: After lunch (about 1:00 pm)

  • Jan will also lead the Sunday night sit at 6 pm at First Unitarian Society.


To register, please COMPLETE ONLINE REGISTRATION by Thursday, March 27. We encourage you to register early, as our retreats fill up quickly. If the retreat is full, we can place you on the waiting list. If you do not get a spot, you will receive a full refund.

Please note: Your place in the registration queue will not be secured until we receive your payment along with your registration form. 


If you cancel by March 3, we will refund the registration fee you paid minus $50. If you cancel after March 3, you will receive a refund only if we are able to fill your spot.


After completing the form, you will be asked to pay your registration fee online. If you prefer not to pay electronically, please contact the registrar at to make other arrangements.

If you cannot pay your registration fee when you submit your registration form, you may return to this page later and use this payment link.

After registering and paying your fee, you’ll receive an email confirmation. Closer to the retreat, you’ll receive another email providing additional details.

For questions about registration, please contact the registrar at


Cittasubha (Janice Sheppard) is a lay Buddhist Minister in the Theravāda Thai Forest lineage of Ajahn Sumedho and Ajahn Chah. She was trained at Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery by Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Amaro. She also was trained as a Community Dharma Leader through Spirit Rock Meditation Center. She has been practicing meditation since 1995 and teaching meditation since 2002. She teaches meditation, offers retreats, and has led a weekly meditation group since 2003. She has taught a year-long intensive program, Form and Freedom in Theravāda Buddhism, for individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of the Buddha’s teachings and meditation practice. She provides meditation instruction in secular and religious settings and offers Buddhist pastoral visits, Buddhist services, and mindfulness meditation groups in Wisconsin prisons.

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