Retreat Archive
Ajahn Punnadhammo
James Baraz
Rebecca Bradshaw
Janice Cittasubha Sheppard
DaRa Williams
Noliwe Alexander
Carole Melkonian and Janice Cittasubha Sheppard
Ajahn Pasanno
Meditation and Theravada Buddhism
Chanting Books
Vol. 1 and 2 of Theravada chants. Vol. 1 includes morning and evening chanting, reflections, and formal requests for the refuges & precepts. Vol. 2 includes suttas and paritta chants. Most in Pali and in English.
Pujas / Chanting
Audio files for the chants in Vol 1 & Vol. 2 at
Sutta Central
Complete access to the Pali Canon in English, Pali, and other languages
Access to Insight: Gateways to Theravada Buddhism
A resource on Theravada Buddhism for suttas as well as complete books and dhamma talks.
Biographical information and teachings
A link to a page in Access to Insight with books to download by most famous monks in the Thai Forest Tradition of Buddhism
The Forest Sangha
Dhamma talks and books in print and electronic form from Ajahn Chah, Ajahn Sumedho, Ajahn Sucitto, and other monastics in the lineage of Ajahn Chah.
The Teachings of Ajahn Chah
Everything about the Thai meditation master Ajahn Chah: biographies, books, MP3 Dhamma talks and videos – for free distribution & download.
Extensive selection of essays by monks and lay people including: Bhikkhu Bodhi, Ajahn Sumedho, Sylvia Boorstein, Jack Kornfield, Ayya Khema, and many others.
Brief essays by Bhikkhu Bodhi
Brief and profound essays originally published in the Buddhist Publication Society newsletters
Dhammapada - Thanissaro
A translation of the Dhammapada by Thanissaro Bhikkhu. It is interesting and useful to compare translations of Dhammapada verses as it often reveals helpful ways to think about the verse.
Dhammapada- Acharya Buddharakkhita
A translation of the Dhammapada by Acharya Buddharakkhita. It is interesting and useful to compare translations of Dhammapada verses as it often reveals helpful ways to think about the verse.
A translation of the Dhammapada by John Richards. It is interesting and useful to compare translations of Dhammapada verses as it often reveals helpful ways to think about the verse.
How to become a Buddhist
A story from the Buddha and the simple practice of taking refuge.
Madison Insight Meditation Group Book List
Suggested readings in Theravada Buddhism. Many are available freely online or through the Public Library System.
Audio and print resources
Talks by the Western Disciples of Ajahn Chah
Talks from monastics in the lineage of Ajahn Chah and Ajahn Sumedho.
Abhayagiri Monastery
Recent talks and podcasts by Ajahn Passano as well other visiting monastics
Amaravati Buddhist Monastery
Talks by Ajahn Amaro and others
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery
Talks by Bhikkunis from California’s Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery
Sati Saraniya Hermitage
Talks by Bhikkuni Ayya Medhanandi of Canada’s Sati Saraniya Hermitage
Ajahn Vayama
Talks by Bhikkuni Ajahn Vayama founder of Australia’s Patacara Bhikkhuni Hermitage
Ajahn Cittapala
Talks by Ajahn Cittapala of Amaravati Buddhist Monastery
Ajahn Candasiri
Talks by Ajahn Candasiri of Milntium Hermitage
Ajahn Sundara
Talks by Ajahn Sundara of Amaravati Buddhist Monastery
Thanissaro Bhikkhu
Talks, books, and sutta translations by Thanissaro Bhikkhu. Extensive collections of evening and morning audio talks as well as translations of the suttas, and free downloads of his many books.
Buddhist Society of Western Australia
Talks and podcasts by Ajahn Bhamavamso, Ajahn Vayama and the Australian monasteries in the lineage of Ajahn Chah and Ajahn Sumedho
Talks by many teachers recorded live during meditation retreats by various teachers at Insight Meditation Society, Spirit Rock Meditation Center or other retreat centers
Ajahn Sucitto
Talks, blogs, and articles by Ajahn Sucitto.
Talks by Gil Fronsdale and many other Vipassana teachers from the US and around the world
A collection of Dhamma talks by Santikaro
Ajahn Chah
Ajahn Chah’s teachings includes a 44 part video series of Ajahn Jayasaro speaking about Ajahn Chah’s life, and a complete compilation of Ajahn Chah’s writings in pdf format. An amazing web resource.
Bhavana Society
Bavana Society YouTube channel, with talks by Bhante Gunaratana and others.
Buddhist Publication Society
Major publisher of Theravada Buddhist scholarship
Insight Journal
The online magazine of the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies (BCBS)
The Forest Sangha
Archive of The newsletter of Amaravati Monastery, England, published from 1987-2015.
Pariyatti Book Service
Excellent resource for books which also offers an email sign-up to receive a saying of the Buddha each day, and beautiful Buddhist virtual greeting cards
Monasteries and Meditation Centers
Amaravati Buddhist Monastery
Hertfordshire, England
Ajahn Amaro, abbot
Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery
Redwood Valley, CA,
Ajahn Passano, abbot
Arrow River Forest Hermitage
Near Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada,
Ajahn Punnadhammo, abbot
Temple Forest Monastery
Temple, New Hampshire
Ajahn Jayanto, abbot
Tisarana Monastery
Perth, Ontario, Canada
Ajahn Viradhammo, abbot
Aloka Vihara Buddhist Monastery
Placerville, California
Anandabodhi Bhikkuni & Santacitta Bhikkhuni, co-founders
Sati Saraniya Hermitage
Perth, Ontario, Canada
Ayya Medhanandi, abbot
Sitavana - Birken Forest Monastery
A Canadian Theravada Buddhist monastery in the Thai Forest Tradition of Ajahn Chah
Patacara Bhikkhuni Hermitage
Western Australia, Australia
Dhammasara Nuns Monastery
Western Australia, Australia
Metta Forest Monastery
Near San Diego, California
Ajahn Thanissaro, abbot
The Bhavana Society
Monastery and meditation center in West Virgina
Venerable Bhante Henepola Gunaratana, abbot
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Woodacre, CA
Insight Mediation Society
Barre, MA
Common Ground Meditation Center
Minneapolis, MN
Kevala Retreat
Norwalk, Wisconsin
Buddhahaksa Temple
A community temple in Waukesha, W
Mid America Dharma Group
Kansas City, MO
Twin Cities Vipassana
Residential retreats led by senior teachers in the Theravada tradition