Together on the path to peace
Contact Us
Who We Are
Madison Insight Meditation Group began in September 1995 to serve people interested in meditation and Buddhism in Madison, Wisconsin, and the central Midwest. In 2001, we split into two connected, collaborative organizations: Madison Vipassana, Inc., to host retreats, and Madison Insight Meditation Group, to provide regular local meditation sessions and various practice opportunities.
Madison Insight Meditation Group and Madison Vipassana practice meditation in the tradition of Theravada Buddhism developed in India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, and Cambodia. Insight meditation, or what the Buddha called the practice of samatha/vipassana, is a practice of developing calm through sustained awareness of a meditation object (frequently the breath) and developing insight through mindful observation, investigation, and reflection.
You do not have to identify as a Buddhist to learn and practice this style of meditation or to benefit from or participate in our activities and events. People with varying levels of training and experience in meditation attend our activities.
A practice home for all
It is our deepest wish to provide an open and welcoming environment where all can practice in safety and ease. Yet we recognize that this remains more an aspiration than a reality as long as divisions of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and physical ability stand in the way of the flourishing of all.
Here are some steps we’ve taken to date:
We’ve committed to invite at least one teacher of color to lead a retreat every year and to do all we can to secure venues that are accessible and can accommodate the schedules of our invited teachers.
We’ve implemented a “pay what you can” approach to retreat fees.
We’ve adopted a policy prioritizing retreat registration for young people and people of color.
This is necessarily a work in progress. We invite your ideas and guidance as we strive to make our sangha a welcoming home for all.
Our Mission Statement
The mission of Madison Insight Meditation Group and Madison Vipassana, Inc. is to provide formal opportunities for practicing samatha/vipassana meditation and studying Buddhist teaching in the Theravada tradition. We welcome people of every race, culture, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, age, and religion.
Our objectives are to provide:
Opportunities for weekly meditation
Dhamma teaching and discussion
Encouragement and support for the application of the Buddha’s teachings in our daily lives
Shared leadership in the activities of the sangha
Training in the Buddha’s teachings and meditation practice
Residential and non-residential retreat experiences
Support for activities that bring the Buddha’s teaching to the community at large
An atmosphere of kindness and welcome to all