A half-day sit offers extended practice and a chance to connect with dhamma friends over lunch.
We will meet at Prairie from 9 a.m. to around noon for meditation, followed by the breaking of silence and a potluck lunch. Three 45-minute silent meditation periods will be interspersed with two twenty-minute walking periods. If you can only come for part of the time, you can come at 10 a.m. or 11 a.m. and join in part of the walking period before the next sit. You should also feel free to leave at the end of any sitting if you can’t stay for the entire time.
What to bring:
—Your cushion. Chairs will be available.
—Layered clothing in case the room temperature is too hot or too cold.
—Suitable outdoor clothing if you choose to do walking meditation outdoors.
—A contribution to the potluck lunch. A kitchen is available for storing and reheating food. Your contribution can be simple: a deli item, bread, cheese, etc. Vegetarian items are preferred.
—A small cash donation to defray the cost of renting the space.
—A mask if you wish to wear one. Face masks will be optional.
We hope you can join us. All are welcome. If you can’t make this date, we hope to plan additional sits quarterly or perhaps more frequently.
Questions? Email KD at kd@madisonmeditation.org