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Dharma Doors Are Open: A Thaypassana Retreat

Awakening occurs here and now - not in some distant future or other place. Each moment presents us with an open door to awakening, to be noticed and realized. Yet, sometimes, we may, knowingly or unknowingly, create obstacles for ourselves that prevent us from entering those open Dharma doors. At this Thaypassana retreat (a blend of Thich Nhat Hanh and Vipassana traditions), we will explore the various gateways to freedom and the obstacles we may throw in our way that impede our progress. We will reflect on our intentions for awakening, our challenges, and how we can let go and release into freedom.

  • Friday, January 17, 10:00 am - 8:00 pm

  • Saturday, January 18, 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

  • Sunday, January 19, 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

For now, this retreat is in-person (residential and non-residential). Residential availability at Holy Wisdom Monastery is limited; additional lodging is available at nearby hotels. We’ll alert you to a virtual option if we can find a Tech Helper.

Steven Spiro is a Zen Chaplain ordained by Roshi Joan Halifax of the Prajna Mountain Order. He is the creator of Breathing Earth Qigong, which is offered as classes and retreats. He teaches the Dharma, meditation, and mindfulness in prisons and heads the Wisconsin Prison Dharma Teachers’ Sangha. He’s an artist, spouse, grandfather, gardener, and dog lover.

Janice Cittasubha Sheppard is a Lay Buddhist Minister in the Theravada Thai Forest lineage of Ajahn Chah and Ajahn Sumedho and a Community Dharma Leader through Spirit Rock Meditation Center. She teaches retreats in the Midwest, leads a weekly meditation group, and offers Buddhist pastoral services and mindfulness training in Wisconsin prisons.

David Haskin has been a student of Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh since 1993 and is an ordained member of his core practice community, The Order of Interbeing. David teaches mindfulness and meditation in WI prisons and to people in recovery, combat veterans, and men’s groups.


Non-Residential: $195
Non-residential retreatants will not lodge overnight at Holy Wisdom Monastery but commute to the retreat(from home/hotel/etc.) while still doing their best to maintain Noble Silence/the retreat atmosphere for the duration of the retreat.

Residential: $395
Holy Wisdom Monastery has very nice - but limited - overnight lodging available; most are single rooms, with two rooms holding two twin beds and two separate “hermitages” (all have private bathrooms). If more retreatants than beds are available at Holy Wisdom, we have arranged blocks of rooms at nearby hotels at a reduced rate. Lodging accommodation will be on a first-received basis, with the first registrations assigned to Holy Wisdom for lodging. If there are more residential registrations than beds available at Holy Wisdom, the retreat manager, Maureen, will provide instructions regarding the hotel lodging available and refund the residential portion of your registration fee.

The above costs include three vegetarian lunches, two dinners (and continental breakfast and lodging for residential retreatants), coffee/tea, retreat facility fees, and other retreat expenses.

DANA: Following ancient tradition, the cost includes no instructor compensation. However, a contribution (dana) to the teachers is encouraged (more info provided at the time of retreat).

Financial Assistance: Depending on donations, a limited number of partial scholarships may be available. Contact Maureen at for more information.

Deadlines & cancellations: Please register early for the retreat, as it always fills. All cancellations are subject to a nonrefundable $50 fee; cancellations on or before Dec.15 will be refunded the retreat fee, less $50. No refunds can be given if cancellations are received after Dec.15.

Registration/Payment: Please register here by Dec. 15. You are not registered until payment. Confirmation will be provided by e-mail, along with additional retreat information. Participation is on a first-received basis. If the registration becomes full, you will be placed on a waiting list to be contacted if space becomes available. By registering, you agree to have our email shared with Holy Wisdom Monastery. Send questions to

Please Pay The Registration Fee Here via Venmo or PayPal. If you use Venmo, do NOT select “goods and services.” For PayPal, please select “friends and family.” Otherwise, we will receive only a portion of your payment, and the rest will go to Venmo/PayPal.

If you prefer not to pay electronically and/or prefer to pay via Zelle, please get in touch with Maureen at

If you can, please consider donating to support scholarships for those who cannot afford registration.

Covid-19 Precautions (for in-person retreatants): You must be vaccinated and fully boosted, not recently exposed to the virus, have no COVID-19 symptoms, and be willing to wear a mask if required. We realize the COVID landscape is ever-changing and will follow the protocol of Public Health Madison/Dane County.

November 20

Transgender Day of Remembrance Interfaith Service and Vigil

January 28

Awakening Joy Registration Open